Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I can't believe after all these years of waiting, I am getting ready in a few hours to board a plane home with my precious son. He is so amazing. I sit in bed with him at night and stare at him and I am just so thankful. I can't imagine any other child for me(even when he wakes up at 2 in the morning). The visa interview at the US Embassy was painless. Zachary entertained everyone there waiting as he was quite loud. Not crying, just being his happy self babbling VERY LOUD. Everyone laughed at him and thought he was so cute. Our guide Haun(?? not sure of spelling) who is also with Children Hope and accompanied us from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, picked us up at hotel and we all decided to walk to the Embassy since it is pretty close. Throughout our journey,I had noticed that Haun seemed very fond of Zachary and Zachary with him. I never said anything. I just thought it was cute. Haun told me in his limited English on the way to the Embassy that he has known Zach since he was 3 months old. He took Zach to his medical appointments, etc. He showed me with his hand how small he was then and now how big he is now. I almost started crying. Haun girlfriend is currently attending George Mason University in the states and he said his girlfriend really liked Zachary as well. I got some good pictures with him and Zach. Well we are waiting for the little guy to get up and get him ready and then will go for breakfast and finish getting ready. I cannot believe this is our last day. We are so ready to come home but I am a little sad too. I really liked Vietnam(especially Ho Chi Minh) and hope to retrn someday when Zach is older(and when I forget what the plane ride was like). We have met some wonderful people and seen some wonderful places but also seen the extreme poverty and conditions people here live under as well. I will definitely be more thankful for what I have and .e freedom I have. Little Zachary is up. I have to go. We will see you all soon.


stephanie said...

what another precious gift that Zachary could see his friend some more and that his friend could see what a wonderful mom and family zach has now. We are counting the minutes until you guys land and we can hug and kiss all three of you. Teri, you are such a wonderful sister to us. I know Melissa will cherish these last 2 weeks with you beside her forever(and I hear we have video to prove it). Melissa you are already such an awesome mom....none of us would have thought anything less. I know you are blessed and so fortunate to have Zach...but he is beyond blessed to have you for his mommy. We love you guys and really are counting the minutes

John Corsair said...

Aunt Melissa,
first of all i just want to say i love you and zach, and when i saw the picture of zach peeking out from under the hat, i smiled like i havent in a long time. there was no doubt in my mind from the day you even mentioned adopting a baby that you were going to be a wonderful mother. you helped raise me katherine michael and melissa and i know that you helped make us what we are today. zachary is a lucky boy and will definately have the two best guy cousins and uncle for role models. im afraid to say im not going to be able to see you guys land but ill be home for thanksgiving. i cant wait to hold my cousin and i just hope i can be as big of a good influence on him as you have in our lives
(your fav. nephew)