Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saying goodbye

Baby room(Zachary's crib was probably the empty one in center)

Nannys were quick to wipe his little nose...still caring for him!

Nannys were happy to see him and love on him!

Yesterday Zachary, Aunt Teri and I went back to the orphanage. I really struggled with that decision as he seems to have transitioned so well and did not want to do anything to confuse him or cause a setback. Everything happened so fast when I first saw him and we did not have any time to see his room or his nannies as we were off to another orphanage to pick up our travelmates daughter who is 1 year old and such a cutie also. I would watch him closely and if he showed any signs of distress, we would leave immediately. As soon as the nannies saw him, they started calling him by name and wanting to hold him. He kept looking back to Teri and I but he seemed to be ok. There were quite a few nannies about in the room feeding and taking care of the babies. I was sad to see his nanny that was always in his pictures with him that were sent to me while I was waiting was not there. Our guide Haun that took us(is with Childrens Hope) told me how to say thank you for taking care of my son and apparently I said it ok as they smiled and nodded. I am glad we were able to do that for Zachary as he will have many questions when he is older and I wanted him to see how loved he was before his mommy came to get him. We will try to post a small snippet later from the water puppet show. Zacharys calling. Today is our free day and we are going back to the Ben Thanh market and do more shopping. Bye for now.
Marina, if you are reading this, I was able to see your son and my sister in law held him and gave him some love while I took a few pics. He looks good. We told him his mommy is coming for him very soon.We tried to email them but had few problems, Will try again today.


stephanie said...

for some reason that has left me in's so emotional to see that empty crib. I know they loved him the way that they could but I hate that he was ever in that crib without you being there for him when he cried and needed holding. I know that he will never remember a time without you and I am so thankful to God that He has brought you two together and has blessed the rest of us with someone to love. I can't imagine seeing those babies and not wanting to bring all of them home. Obviously Zach was loved and cared for to be so secure now but as my Melissa said.....God just told Zach that you were his mommy and it was all good. God is so good and so full of grace. He has really blessed this whole experience (ok, not the plane ride) and Zach will so appreciate all you and Teri are doing to show him how his life began. I love you guys so much

mom said...

I totally agree with all Steph said and Zach is so fortunate to have this history of his beginning for when he is older. Have a good day shopping. Save some money for when you get home. I will be praying for you tomorrow when you get on the plane to Hanoi. Hope it will be good and the dramamine will work. It will be a test for the long ride home. Can't wait for Friday. Love Ya! Mom

Unknown said...

Well after catching up on all the news I missed this week it appears that:
a)Zachary is a happy baby
b)He is very handsome just like his soon to be favorite Uncle
c)Teri and Melissa should stick to dogs and cats rather than snakes and monkeys.
d)Perhaps Aunt Teri can bring the snake home to VA. to handle the mouse problem she has been having in her house.
e.Zachary is very lucky to have someone like Aunt Melissa for a new mommy.

Beckie said...

I think we're all impressed with those nannies! It's good to know that he was well-cared for in those first few months - but I'm sure he's enjoying the individual attention he's had this last week!

I like Mike's idea of bringing back a snake - that one was sure bigger than the one I saw on my deck and probably could do a better job of keeping up with my mice! Bring me one, too!

Kim said...

I hope you go back in a few years and see all the cribs empty!!