We made it, all the way to the end of church service that is, without getting paged. Last Sunday I did not even make it thru the end of the opening song before I was paged. I should check to see if we set a record-haha. Anyway, today was Communion Sunday and it was nice being able to make it all the way thru the service. I am feeling better and more relaxed at leaving him as I feel he knows now that I will be back for him. My sister in law's niece who works in the nursery was holding him when I went to get him and told me that he did cry some but that she took him to look at something in the lobby and he was ok after that. She also gave him his bottle which I am sure helped him also. Thank you Rachel for looking after my baby today. The important thing is that he was able to be calmed down enough for them not to have to page me. We will see what happens next Sunday. Of course I still would like to be paged if he is in dire distress. In other news, my mom's good friends from Roanoke,Va are staying in Destin until sometime in March and we went yesterday to their condo on the beach to visit and introduce them to Zachary. Zachary did great and even let them hold him for a little bit. I have them to thank for the Ergo babycarrier that Zach is always in. Friday I had to take Zach to the lab and get some blood drawn. I was so nervous about doing that and how he would react. His pediatrician wanted to test him for lead since he came from an orphanage in Vietnam and wanted him retested for other things as she was not sure of the reliability of the testing done in Vietnam. He did great even when they put the band on his arm and started poking his arm to get a vein. He was sitting on my lap. Then when they decided to lay him down and restrained him, he lost it. I was so thankful for those 2 women though as the blood started flowing immediately and it was over pretty quick(they had to get 3 vials). I was concerned they would not get it the first time and they would have to poke him again but that was not the case.
Zach is getting around really well and geting into things alot more. We really have to be on our toes. Since he plays in his room now, I told my mom that we would need to move the bucket out from under the change table that held the baby powder and lotions, etc. She said not to worry that he would not mess with that....well, you can see the pics below about that. This is what I found when it got too quite in his room.
I am taking Zach to get pics taken tomorrow for his first birthday. I am going to get pics taken of him in one of his Vietnamese outfits I purchased while in Ho Chi Minh. Hopefully he will be just as cooperative as he was the last time.
I was so excited the other day. One of the things I wanted to get him for his birthday was $70 and when I went to my favorite store Target, they had it 50% off. I hit paydirt as most of the toys were 75% off. I also bought him a kitchen that was $100 for $25 and saving it for Christmas next year. He has Christmas and birthday for next year and probably for the year after that as well. I went a little crazy but it was hard not too when it was all 75%. I also bought him a $80 train table for $19. I posted a couple pics of some of our loot.

The other great news is that I finally received a social security number for Zach. Unfortunately it was only after I had to request to speak with a supervisor and had already been down to the SS office several times. Now I need to go downtown to the courthouse and see what I need to do to start the readoption process here in Florida in order that Zach can receive a US birth certificate. I seem to still have just as much paperwork to do after bringing Zach home as I did beforehand. Hopefully I can get this taken care of also before I return to work in a couple weeks. Below are some other random pics. Enjoy.
1 comment:
I love the pictures that you post! He looks so HAPPY! Rachael told us how good he was at church - she really enjoyed caring for him.
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