Today was Zachary's first day in the nursery while mommy went to church. The only other time Zach has been away from me was when he stayed at home with my mom and niece while I went to the Social Security office. The church just finished building an addition that houses the nursery room where Zachary would be. I have to admit, it helped leaving him knowing that my sister in laws 2 nieces also worked in the same room where Zachary would be. I stayed in the room for a few minutes with him while I filled out paperwork. They give you a pager which also made me feel a lot better.There were a couple other babies in the room and lots of neat toys. Zachary loves watching other children. He was down on the mat and I quietly slipped out of the room. I went into the sanctuary, sitting in the last pew by the door, knowing I would get paged any minute. . Church started and I kept glancing at the pager. I will be honest, I probably did not pay as much attention during church as I should have for glancing at the pager every few seconds and worrying about Zachary. After halfway thru the service and I still had not been paged, I just knew my pager was broken. After all, this was also Zachary naptime every morning. Should I go peek in on him? I decided in the end not to as I was afraid he might see me and if he was ok, then that would be the end of that. Then at the very end, with church service just about over with, it happened. I got the page. The nursery worker who was holding him(sorry, I forgot her name) said he did very well and they even got a few smiles out of him but then he was holding a ball in each hand and they got away from him and he lost it. Apparently he was screaming pretty bad as the nursery worker had him outside of the wing waiting for me(yikes). My poor little guy was pretty upset but I was so proud of him for making it that long. The nursery worker kept apologizing for paging me but I was very relieved to know that they will page me if he is in distress. So, we will try it again next Sunday and see how it goes. He was so worn out when we got to the car that he fell sound asleep. In other news, I am awaiting word from my social worker who will probably be coming to the house sometime this week for our first post placement report. It is due in Vietnam by Feb 4. I also have to have the social come out for another post placement at 6 months and 1 year and then I have to submit report myself every 6 months for 2nd and 3rd year and then once yearly until he turns 18. Along with the reports, I need to send 3 sets of 5 different pics(2 of them showing Zach and I together). I think that is wonderful that the Vietnamese people are so concerned with how well the children are doing. Below are some more pics of Zach.

Zachary waiting to go to
first day of nursery at

morning hairdo

Zachary and cousin John at Pensacola Ale House

I love my Aunt Steph's beef stew
I knew he would love my stew. I will make more just for him when he's out of that....if Grammie will share with him.
Katie and Rachael really enjoyed having him in the nursery! I love the pictures you've posted - he's so cute!
I am so proud of you both! I especially enjoy the new pics. I think I'd love Aunt Steph's stew too! Last Sunday one of our ladies in class left her little one in the nursery for the first time too...he did great but mom took it hard...we had to comfort her in our class more than the nursery workers had to with her baby hahaha. You are such a good mom! I think it is soooo cool that the girls were working inhis class!
I'm so proud of you both! LOve the pics too!!!I am gald you are blogging again I love to hear how he is doing and what you are up to!
Love ya!
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