We celebrated Zachary's 1st birthday yesterday on Saturday the 24th. Zach was born on the 25th of January and I realized we actually were still celebrating on his actual birthday as Zachary was born in Vietnam which is 12 hours ahead of us. We had some close family and friends for his 1st party. We also did Skype with my brother and sister in law and niece Ashley and they were able to be part of the celebration as we sang Happy Birthday to Zach and even watched him open a few presents. I think that was one of the highlights for Zach. I am so upset though. I realized after the party that I had not even videotaped us singing Happy Birthday to him or anything with his party. I would have loved to have videotaped how he was talking to his Aunt Teri and Uncle Scott on Skype. I actually shed some tears about that after he went down for his nap after the party. I know that might sound silly to some, but those who really know me are aware of my obsession with documenting important things like that and to not even get video of my son's first birthday and him and his cake hit me like a ton of bricks afterwards. It was pretty chaotic during some parts and I guess my mind was on other things.I felt like a horrible mother. However all that did not seem important when he woke up after his nap(over 2 hours) and was burning up. I quickly took his temp and I am not lying, it said 107. Surely that was a misread..I saw that temp and looked at Zach and was sure he was going to start having a seizure or something with that temp. I instantly thought of my niece Melissa when she was a baby and had a seizure in her car seat from a high fever while my sister and I were bringing her back home from the emergency room. I was getting ready to bundle him up and take him to the emergency room but gave him some baby motrin as his fever seemed to be coming down a little each time I took his temp. I called my doctor who happened to be the doctor on call that night(thank you God) as I really like her. She took a lot of time with me over the phone and told me to of course take him to the ER if I felt I should but that a fever was normal(his temp was down to 102 by this time) with a cold and congestion and she would see him first thing Monday morning. Since he started babbling and playing while I was on the phone with her, we both felt like he would be ok and to bring him in MOnday. He slept pretty good last night other than waking up a few times . He had a small fever again when he woke up and gave him some baby Tylenol. Poor little guy probably was not feeling that great during his party but he didnt act like he was sick. I feel so bad. Anyway, we will be going to the doctor tomorrow on MOnday. Not to gross anyone out but he threw up so much this morning(the first time he as done this) and threw up so much flim so that was pretty good and he actually seemed to help with his congestion. Anyway, I included a couple pics of the party(at least I took some pics but not one with him in front of his cake with the candle lit-geez what kind of mother am I) and I will write him a long letter telling him all about his birthday and about other happenings since we have been home from Vietnam. I made him a birthday card and will be enclosing a letter to him for each of his birthdays.Tomorrow is New Years Day in Vietnam which is called Tet. Zach and I have been invited to a local Vietnamese Church this week to attend Tet festivities which I am looking forward to so hopefully we can get this little guy better soon.
Waiting for my guests to arrive
1 comment:
The party was wonderful! What I saw was a very happy baby and a mommy who seemed relaxed, happy and enjoying the moment. I completely missed the horrible mother who forgot to document every moment! :-)
I didn't even fill out my girls baby books and you have a blog devoted to Zachary! You're a great mom.
The girls missed your boy in the nursery yesterday - I do hope he's feeling better. Those temperatures can be really scary!
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