Happy New Year everyone. I know, I have not been a very good blogger as the last post was when we were leaving Hanoi to come home. My sister in law actually inspired me to do better with keeping up with this blog as she has now started her own blog http://www.tuesdaywithteri.wordpress.com/ . Teri was one of the main contributors of this blog while we were in Vietnam as I was so busy with Zachary, there was not much time for blogging. Zachary is doing fantastic. I am so blessed to have been able to spend his first Thanksgiving and Christmas with him and will be spending his first birthday later this month on the 25th. Zachary has adjusted very well except for some sleep issues we are dealing with but that also is getting better. I can't believe it has been a month and a half already since we have been home. Zachary has such an amazing little personality already and has such a wonderful little smile. I love him so much and honestly cannot imagine my life now without him. He started crawling a couple weeks ago and trying to pull himself up and can stand if holding on to something but not quite sure what to do about those legs and feet but I feel it will not be long. He still will not hold his own bottle but I sure don't mind as that makes for extra snuggle time. Zach loves to be held and is so loving and good natured. He still loves his baths but hates bubble baths. I thought I was going to do something special for him and made him a nice bubble bath. When I put him in it, he screamed bloody murder. He did not want the bubbles touching him or his bath toys. So, had to get him out of his ducky tub(I will miss that when he outgrows it which will be pretty soon) and redo his bath water. We already took a trip to Virginia the middle of December to see his Uncle Scott(my brother) and Aunt Teri and to meet for the first time his cousins Steven and Ashley. We all had a great time and he did wonderful on his first road trip. We went to see the National Christmas tree in Washington D.C and he sat in Santa Claus lap for the first time. He didn't cry, but he didn't smile either. I am posting some pics for now and will try my best to keep up this blog as often as possible. Zachary keeps me pretty busy but I love it and I love being his mom. Keep checking for future updates. I promise I will try to update as often as possible.

We sure do love that little guy. He has brought so much to all our lives and we are so thankful that God has brought him into our family. Melissa has taken to motherhood with such ease. She and Zach love each other so much which is evident to all who see them together. We are looking forward to this next year and all the adventures he will bring to us.
Im glad you're posting again!
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