Teri and I will be getting ready to go to the airport in a little bit so this may be my last post for a little bit. I will try to post a message when we get to Hong Kong if I am able. I am amazed I was even able to sleep last night I was so excited, but I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
We went over to Teri's mom and sister's house last night for dinner which was very nice. Gloria(Teri's mom) said a wonderful prayer before dinner and said there would be another member of the family(of course I lost it). Teri also gave me a card that her coworkers had given for her and I which had a gift card and the cutest pin that said "I am a new parent". Thank you all for the sweet messages in the card. I am amazed at the number of people who do not even know me but are so supportive and interested in Zachary and this journey. Zachary also received the cutest socks from Gloria(the box they came in was so cute, it said PRINCE on the box). The socks have crowns all over. Too cute. His cousin Ashley sent him the cutest stuffed elephant that goes perfectly in his nursery. Thank you Ashley. I am so very thankful for all my family and friends and for all their support.
Mom, you have been with me from the very beginning of this journey 3 years ago this month. You went through all the highs and lows, the joy and tears and thoughout it all, you always encouraged and supported me. I will never forget it. I seriously could not have made it without you.
Steph, you are a wonderful sister and I will never forget your words to me during one of the hardest times of this journey several months ago and all of your love and support throughout this amazing journey. You will be a wonderful Aunt to Zach.
To all my family and friends, once again, I am just overwhelmed by all the support. It means alot. Thank you all.
Finally, to my brother Scott and my sister-in-law Teri, I would not be sitting here typing this post and getting ready to leave to get my son if it were not for the both of you. There is nothing I could ever give you that would even come close to what you both have given me-the chance to be a mom. If I had not been able to start this process when I did, I would never have made it before the shutdown. I promise you both I will raise him to be a fine young man and Christian. Thank you both. I will never never forget what you have done for me and Zach.
Well I better get ready. I will try to post as often as possible. There is a place at the bottom of the posts where you can leave comments if you wish. I love you all and we will see you in a couple week. Mommy's coming for you Zachary.
You will be the BEST MOM
and provide love and support
to your new son. God is Great!
Enjoy your trip!
I have thought of you since I opened my eyes this morning. I am so excited that I can hardly stand it and I am so excited for you. You're going to get your son!!!!!! This is the child God chose for you and we are all so thankful. I can't imagine it being any other child. I know God is with all of you and will bless this experience. We love you
I also thought of you both when I woke up. I thought of you, Melissa for when you first see Zach. What a great moment that will be. And you Teri, when I saw all of the dishes in the sink. No, just kidding. Ok, there really were dishes, but I miss you and cannot wait to hear the first report.
I can't wait to see the BOTH of you. It feels like it has been forever and a day already.
It was great to talk to you on Friday. I could just hear the joy in your voice.
Your going to make a wonderful mother, who has a son chosen by God. Love and Miss you
AUNT MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!
oh my goodness, at 2:35 on friday i thought about you two, well three!!!
i could barely sit still during school cause i was so excited!
you are the most deserving parent and zach is so lucky to have you as his Mommy... how great is that to type! MOMMY!!! haha you will be the best mom ever known and that boy will be so loved! can't wait to see all three of you when you return, give aunt teri my love, and when you see zach give him extra kisses for me!!!
Love Ya!!!
I am happy you are finally on your way. Have a safe trip. Se you and Zach when you get home. Love you
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