Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I can't believe I am finally able to say these words but I AM GOING TO VIETNAM. My mom and I were up very early this morning and out of the house before 8:00. I never even bothered to check my email as I thought it was too early to receive approval as USCIS in Ho Chi Minh City had just started up their investigation again with my case after receiving updated paperwork from the local USCIS. I did not get home until about 2:30 and listened to the answering machine and it was Nicky from CHI saying I had my approval and to get with her for travel. WHAT!!! I ran to my laptop to look at my email and called Nicky. I could not even find a messaqe from USCIS at first but it had been sent to my junk mailbox. Of all places, something as important as this and it was sitting in my junk email box. Nicky wanted me to get my Visa off in the mail today so I completed my Visa form, raced to my bank to get money order and then raced to the post office with minutes to spare. What really blew my mind was when Nicky told me I would be leaving 11/1/08(later that night it had been changed to 10/31/08-9 days away. I called my sister-in-law Teri who is traveling with me-she and my brother were going to Hawaii that week and she is giving that up to travel with me halfway around the world to Vietnam. I have the best sister in law ever. More later. It is late and I have been spending all night trying to get things ready. I will never sleep tonight. I am so happy I will have my son by Thanksgiving and for his first Christmas.

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