I finally feel like I can relax a little bit. Wednesday was a great day. I received my Visa which relieved a lot of my worry as without that Visa, I would not have been able to get into Vietnam.I also received my plane tickets in the mail. I almost started crying when I saw little Zachary's plane ticket. It came in his Vietnamese name Nguyen Thanh Nhan. Packing is pretty much done, just need to pack the backpack. My sister came over last night in the midst of all the chaos and there so many clothes all over the place and she wanted to know just how many children I was expecting to bring home. I think she was trying to tell me I was packing way too much which I probably am. I had a conference call Wednesday as well with the Vietnam director at Children's Hope. She said there will be someone to meet us in Vietnam when we get off the plane and take us to our hotel. We should also be able to go to the orphanage the same day and see Zachary. I can't believe in just a few short days I will be holding him in my arms. I will not be able to take him with me Sunday but when I go back Monday, he will go with me back to the hotel and then Tuesday we will have our Giving and Receiving ceremony and it will be official. We will be staying in Ho Chi Minh probably until the following Monday as there will still be other things that need to be done while in Ho Chi Minh such as getting his medical done. When we fly to Hanoi, I will have an interview with CIS and get his Visa probably the following day. Once we have Zachary's Visa, we will be free to leave. There is another family that is also adopting a 12 month old girl from Tam Binh 1 orphanage also in Ho Chi Minh. We will meet up with them Monday when they arrive. They also have a blog http://www.familysalmagundi.blogspot.com/. I have been in email contact a couple times with Mindy and look forward to meeting her. Well gotta go, my sister in law Teri(the best sister in law ever by the way) is arriving today and we are meeting her and her family for dinner. I will try to post tomorrow before we fly out.
1 comment:
Best of Luck Melissa
Can't wait to see ya back in
Pensacola with your son.....
This Blog is Great!
Have a safe trip
I am praying for you and
Zach that everything goes
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