Monday, October 27, 2008

Um, Houston I think we have a slight problem

Oh my gosh, I started packing and I have no idea how I am ever going to fit everything that I need. I think there is alot of stuff I will just have to leave behind and get while I am there. Besides waiting for my Visa to come, I think packing has been one of the more stressful things trying to make sure I have what I need and knowing what I can leave behind and get when I arrive in Vietnam. Not sure if I will go straight to the orphanage when I arrive or if I will have time to get supplies first. My mom and I also went to the police department today in Gulf Breeze , Fl to get the Britax carseat installed. The certified technician was Vietnamese and arrived in the states when he was 5 years old. He said they left the day before the fall of Saigon. It was so interesting to hear his story. He brought the carseat inside the police station and went over all the parts and how it worked and then we went outside and he showed me how to install it. He told us so many things that I never would have thought of such as never put your child in a carseat with a jacket on, just their regular clothes. If child squirms around and jacket may become bunched up or move around and could change how the straps are on the child and how tight the straps are on the child. The carseat was installed rear facing which he will need to be until he is 1 yr AND 20 lbs as even if he is 20 lbs and not 1 year, his bone density is not as strong yet. I saw a video before of a crash showing the effects of a child in the rear facing position and the front facing position and I will keep him rear facing for as long as possible. Gotta go, more packing to do...

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