Wow , I just reread the last post I made and what a difference between that Sunday and this Sunday. Zachary had a rough time in the nursery the last time we went. I checked him in nursery and stopped at the front desk for them to check my pager to make sure it worked. On my way into church, I heard someone call my name and it was a sweet lady who works with me at DCF. We use to be in the same unit years ago but she is in a totally different dept now. Anyway we sat together so that was nice. My pager never went off and when I went to the nursery to get him, he was happy and doing great. They told me that this was his best Sunday ever and that he played a lot. I was so happy. I know that next Sunday might be another story but this Sunday, he did great and I was so happy for him. My friend from work went back to the nursery with me to get him. She had seen Zach in December when I took him into work to visit and she could not believe how much he had grown. Anyway, after Church Zach and I went to Target while we waited to pick up his grammie from her church. It was my mom's 75th birthday Sunday and Zach wanted to get his grammie some of her favorite goodies to munch on while she takes care of him during the week. My sister and nieces and nephew came over and we ordered pizza and had a little party. Zach also got his first haircut and of course, I had to keep all the clippings. I had been putting off this first haircut for some reason. I guess I thought it would make him look alot older and I am not ready for that. Anyway, his grammie kept making comments about how long his hair was getting and when the checkout lady at Target told me Sunday what a beautiful little girl I had( even though he had on a boys shirt and boys pants), well, I finally relented and his Aunt Steph gave him a haircut . He did pretty well. My nieces kept him entertained so he would not move around too much and I took pics.
Saturday we went to Destin to see my mom's friends that she has known since high school. We had a great time and as we were walking around the boardwalk in Destin, a man dressed up as a pirate came and made Zach a turtle from a balloon(I'm glad the guy told us what he was making because we really had to use our imagination to see that it was a turtle, haha). Anyway, he stood by Zach stroller and we took pic. I posted it below. Zach was not too impressed.
I am so glad to see the time change. I have been waiting for this. After work, I grabbed Zach and strapped him the stroller and went walking around the neighborhood. He LOVES being outside and loves strolling around the neighborhood. I posted a few pics below. Will try to post more in few days. It has been pretty busy around here.
Zach and the Pirate(boardwalk in Destin)Zach is holding his turtle balloon

Mom, Uncle Henry and Betty K and Zach strolling on boardwalk in Destin

Zach checking out the pretty tulips his Aunt Steph bought for his grammie

Zach getting his first haircut

This is what Zach thought of getting his haircut